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CA Final AMA Only Cost Regular Course By CA Darshan Chandaliya :Pen Drive / Online Classes


CA. Darshan Chandaliya  is renowned for his skillful teaching style. With his experience, knowledge and creative illustrations, he makes complex concepts extremely simplified. He has been regular star faculty in AT Academy, Mumbai and DG Education, Delhi. He is also visiting and guest faculty in various cities including Nagpur & Jodhpur. He is founder & mentor of CP Academy, Nashik.  


Course Summary :

  • Faculty : CA Darshan Chandalia
  • Duration : 100 Hours (approx)
  • Views : 2 times. Video can be opened 10 times
  • Validity - 6 months from the date of activation
  • Lectures - Costing
  • Study Material - PDF (Printable)
  • Attempt (For Nov. 2021)
  • Renowned faculty - AT Academy, Mumbai & DG Education, Delhi
  • In depth explanation of the concepts of Costing in a clinical way.

Configuration - Minimum system requirements: Core 2 Duo, 2 GHZ and above CPU, 2GB Ram, Win 7 Home Premium and above.

Date & Time of your system should be updated. 
Please do not format your system after registering the key for the lectures. If you wish to format your computer system you can do prior registration of the key.

Technical Assistance 
(Monday to Friday 11 am to 5 pm) - 9404994040 , 8983789829

Email -

  • Availability: 2-3 Days

Rs. 4,999

Rs. 8,999 -44%
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CA. Darshan Chandaliya  is renowned for his skillful teaching style. With his experience, knowledge and creative illustrations, he makes complex concepts extremely simplified. He has been regular star faculty in AT Academy, Mumbai and DG Education, Delhi. He is also visiting and guest faculty in various cities including Nagpur & Jodhpur. He is founder & mentor of CP Academy, Nashik.  


Course Summary :

  • Faculty : CA Darshan Chandalia
  • Duration : 100 Hours (approx)
  • Views : 2 times. Video can be opened 10 times
  • Validity - 6 months from the date of activation
  • Lectures - Costing
  • Study Material - PDF (Printable)
  • Attempt (For Nov. 2021)
  • Renowned faculty - AT Academy, Mumbai & DG Education, Delhi
  • In depth explanation of the concepts of Costing in a clinical way.

Configuration - Minimum system requirements: Core 2 Duo, 2 GHZ and above CPU, 2GB Ram, Win 7 Home Premium and above.

Date & Time of your system should be updated. 
Please do not format your system after registering the key for the lectures. If you wish to format your computer system you can do prior registration of the key.

Technical Assistance 
(Monday to Friday 11 am to 5 pm) - 9404994040 , 8983789829

Email -



Rs. 2
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1% Claimed